mdn/kumascript#565 ), but it would be best if that check could be fully automated, or even better, if the data from MDN could be automatically pulled from W3C system. Your GitHub profile URL can be made available on your public MDN profile page if you opt-in to sharing it ; Full Name Location Links to other accounts (e.g. The second statement below assigns the value 25 to the variable day, based on the value of the Date object Xmas95.
Because the MDN compat data project and caniuse have compatible yet somewhat different goals, the implementation is a little different too.

Updated 4:34 pm EDT, Thursday, May 21, 2020 This repository contains general data for Web technologies. This data is used in MDN documentation, to build information boxes or sidebar navigation . Username Email Address GitHub Account for authentication (includes your email, GitHub username and GitHub profile URL) ; Optional Account Data. The new feature tables will look a little different. External tools have started to make use of this data …
The MDN Browser Compatibility Data repository is a structured, regularly updated record of support for HTML, CSS, and Javascript features. Right now, the alignment between this data and the actual progress of the specifications is manual.

MDN Exclusive: White House spokesman says president not coming to Midland today. Required Account Data. It is available as an npm package and integrated with a variety of web development tools and resources.

By adding MDN data, the caniuse support table count expands from roughly 500 to 10,500 tables! Developers’ caniuse queries on what’s supported where will now have significantly more results. I have an early tool that allows to semi-automate the comparison between what's on MDN and what's in w3c database (see e.g. var Xmas95 = new Date('December 25, 1995 23:15:30'); var day = Xmas95.getDate(); console.log(day); // 25 By Kate Hessling, Daily News Editor. What data do you receive from my account?

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