A brand new kit from a brand new model maker called Hong Model ( based in Hong Kong) they have opened their account with a much sought over modern mobile anti-aircraft AFV – the ZSU-23-4M/M3 Soviet Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun in 1/35 th scale.

In 1966, the ZSU-23-4V entered service, which had changes to the venting covers and removed the heat exchanger from the turret roof. It was introduced in Update 1.63 "Desert Hunters".The "Shilka" presents a much higher rate of fire than its predecessor ZSU-57-2 and allows the user to saturate the airspace to increase the chance of hitting a low-flying aircraft.. The only other option for this subject is the DML kit which has been around for over a decade and represents either the earlier ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka or later ZSU-23-4M Beryoza. ©2013-2020 by W-Model Manufaktur Moscow wmodelkits@gmail.com. This had an improved computer, and ventilation system cases at the front of the turret. This is the 1/72 scale W-Model resin kit built as part of an Anti-Aircraft/Anti-tank GB over on Missing Lynx's Braille Scale Discussion Group.

ZSU-23-4M w/motor rifle troops (GXP-563972) - - Dragon. 6,125 2,050.

2,015 2,014. Mark Davies. Książki i inne produkty w niskich cenach w księgarni internetowej czytam.pl.

In 1970, the ZSU-23-4V1 was introduced. Tysiące przecenionych produktów! ZSU-23-4M Shilka ZSU-23-4M Shilka. 0. kiwikitbasher. wszystkie działy Książki Podręczniki szkolne Ebooki pdf,epub,mobi,mp3 Książki audio na cd Filmy Muzyka Gry / Zabawki Literatura obcojęzyczna Art. papiernicze Drogeria The ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" is a rank VI Soviet anti-aircraft vehicle with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB/RB/SB). Zestaw nie zawiera kleju ani farb. ZSU-23-4M/MZ Shilka - soviet self-propelled anti-aircraft gun Model plastikowy do sklejania i pomalowania. Anti-GB, ZSU-23-4M Shilka (W-Model) Anti-GB, ZSU-23-4M Shilka (W-Model) Mark Davies. Hong Model is a new hobby company that chose an interesting subject as its launch kit - the ZSU-23-4M/MZ. Skala: 1/35. 6,125 2,050. kiwikitbasher. Post Aug 11, 2019 #1 2019-08-11T11:08. MY CART Post Aug 15, 2019 #1 2019-08-15T10:27. ZSU-23-4M w/motor rifle troops, Gry / Zabawki, Dragon, 87,75zł, , Gry i Zabawki w najlepszych cenach!

2,015 2,014. The ZSU-23-4M, introduced in 1973, had further cooling improvements and enhanced ECCM.

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