I have used vscode 1.41.1 on my mac for a few months and it worked good until I started to use go modules for dependency management.
Things like no code completion, no live errors etc. We just migrated from Microsoft/vscode-go.Learn more about our move on the Go blog.. Overview
Go for Visual Studio Code. This post is part 1 in a series. I've installed Go as well as Git and created a project in Code, containing a single .go file. Thanks! This extension provides rich language support for the Go programming language in VS Code.. Take a look at the Changelog to learn about new features.. 8. Tyler Bui-Palsulich and Eno Compton 19 March 2019 Introduction. I click on "Install all".
I try to start using Go in VSCode. Visual Studio Code with vscode-go plugin is really useful. Go for Visual Studio Code. – David Alsh Oct 30 '18 at 3:18. ramya-rao-a added the go-modules label Oct 2, 2018 Copy link Quote reply If my module is just somewhere on my file system, how does the module system find it? This extension provides rich language support for the Go programming language in VS Code.. Take a look at the Changelog to learn about new features.. This typically happens when I'm using modules but can also happen during my typical gopath (non module) workflow, and it's usually a pain to get it back working again. This is the new home for the VS Code Go extension. There is no compiler error, and this is specifically seemingly isolated as a "vscode problem". There is no compiler error, and this is specifically seemingly isolated as a "vscode problem". Also, keep an eye on our wiki Go modules in VS Code for current status on Go modules support. I am using Go 1.13 with the latest versions of each extension for Go and C/C++. At the moment I am rewriting a … When I type something, VSCode warns me that tools like golint are missing and prompts me to install them. Ever since the introduction of Go modules my vscode & go extension have been messing up. This is the new home for the VS Code Go extension. Wait, I'm confused.
We just migrated from Microsoft/vscode-go.Learn more our move on the Go blog.. Overview Using Go Modules. This was bang on - in the case of go modules - I have to follow vgo's pattern, where I start the path of the import statement with the module's name.
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