You can’t have money if you don’t pay attention to it. I was too absorbed in the “I have no money” victim lifestyle to see the bigger picture. No tengo ningún centavo - I don't have a cent. Admit to where you are financially and start paying attention to your money. でも意味は同じですが、前者の方が「切羽詰まった」 ニュアンスになると思います。 回答をシェアする. I don't have any money.
5 You don't need no carrying onについて 6 do you need dont you need 7 no thank youとno needの違いは? は I have no money. Estoy quebrado - I'm broke.

と同じ意味です。 お金を「全く」持っていない、と意味が強くなります。 I don't have money. I don’t have money.

と同じ意味です。 お金を「全く」持っていない、と意味が強くなります。 I don't have money. I do not have money. でも意味は同じですが、前者の方が「切羽詰まった」 ニュアンスになると思います。 のように「お金」のように元々数えられない物なら、付ける必要はありません。 これはnotにも共通する事ですが。 3.サイン、看板に書かれたNo 〇〇! Investing Is Why People Are Rich. I have no money.

@tanantish - You can't say I don't have a milk, but you CAN say I don't have any milk - and, in fact, that would be the more usual formulation. No tengo dinero- I don't have money. I don't have any money. 通報する.

I’d like to share 19 lessons I’ve learned over the years of living paycheck to paycheck: 1. 上の2つを見てください。言い方は違えどどちらも「入るな!」と言ってるわけです。 Do … I don’t invest, but I know a lot of people who do, and they all have more money than me…a lot more money …
Estoy en bancarrota - I'm bankrupt 8 I have no money と I don't have money の違い 9 I have wanted to doとI have been wanting to do 10 訳して下さい。 I don't know what did I do to deserve som

は I have no money.

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