Keys or String: The kind of key which we need to send to the active application. Are you just hitting Enter key without editing the cell? I want to simulate the choice of a Menu and an option in the menu from VBA i.e. Anonymous.

Gord. TRUE or FALSE TRUE if you want the excel to wait for the assigned Keys to be processed before having the control back to the macro. In Excel, simulate press key S for Menu Essbase and then press key R for option Retrieve Does anybody know a way ? To change the default direction of selected cell after pressing Enter key, you can solve it with the following steps:. share this A. Activating VBA by pressing the enter key Is there a simple way to activate a Sub everytime the enter key is pressed? Simulate Key press in VBA. Sorry this didn't help.

Re: VBA: Enter Key control? Wait: In this argument, we can use two things i.e. Yes No. ... Excel / Windows 10 / Office 2010; Replies (1) ... Are you hitting the Enter key after typing in the cell?

(See examples below) Almost anything that can be done on the keyboard is possible through VBA. You can use VBA to automatically “type” characters (and numbers) on the keyboard. In addition, it can also perform keyboard actions, such as Control+C (copy), Control+A (select all), Alt+Tab, etc. Did this solve your problem? [vba]Private Sub ListBox1_Change() ' update linked cell when item changed via keypress Range(ListBox1.LinkedCell) = ListBox1.Value End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) '\check if a key is pushed If wParam = WM_KEYDOWN Then '\if so, check if the active cell is within the target range If Union(ActiveCell, objTargetRange).Address = objTargetRange.Address Then '\if only numeric values should be allowed then If enumAllowedValues = 1 Then '\check if the pushed key is a numeric key or a navigation key The whole idea of a combo box is to be a combination text box and list box, so that a user can either enter text via the keyboard or select a list entry; therefore, it's not easy to circumvent.

If the user is editing a cell, then for any practical purpose, macros don't run.--Regards, Tom Ogilvy "Hernan" wrote in message thanks a lot Serge Samsatli. Hi, Assuming Listbox from the Control toolbox is being used on a worksheet.

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