Hello, hmmm—and welcome to English Forums. Um eine "Fähigkeit" auszudrücken benutzt man "can, could" und ihre Ersatzform "be able to". (Evlenmeden önce yemek yapamazdım) People could/were able to have a picnic in the city, but today there are buildings everywhere. ‘To be able to’ is not a modal auxiliary verb.It is the conjugated verb ‘to be’ + the adverb ‘able’ + the infinitive ‘to’. Perhaps you mean one of these: I could … Man kann entweder "can" oder "be able to" benutzen, aber "be able to" ist viel förmlicher. AlpheccaStars + 0. (future) Nov 17 2012 02:28:55. (İlkokuldayken okula kandi başıma gidebilirdim) I couldn’t/wasn’t able to cook before I got married.
English modal auxiliaries - mit Regeln und Beispielen. (past) I will not be able to attend school on Monday. Use one of these: I was not able to attend school on Monday. I could not be able to attend school on Monday . We use could especially with: See/ hear/ smell/ taste/ feel/ remember/ understand • When we went into the house, we could smell burning. Modalverben, Englísch Klasse 7. Online Übungen zu modal auxiliaries - was able to, were able to.
Englisch Übung zu Ersatzformen der Modalverben - be able to" or "be allowed to" Englisch Übung zu Ersatzformen der Modalverben - be able to" or "be allowed to" In manchen Sätzen könnte man beide Formen benutzen, aber denkt bitte über die Situation nach und dann werdet ihr schon sehen, welche Form ich haben möchte. Sometimes could is the past of can. Um eine "Unfähigkeit" auszudrücken benutzt man "can't, couldn't" und ihre Ersatzform "not be able to". (managed to = was able to) Note that you can also use the following sentence: The test was very tough; I couldn’t do more than four out of the ten questions.
Can/Could vs Be Able To There is a huge interest in the difference between can or could and be able as can or could and be able to are two different usages made in the English languages and they both carry different senses with them. If you are wondering if you could use ‘I could do only four out of ten questions’, then the answer is you can but it will explain the situation clearly enough. I could/was able to go to school by myself when I was at primary school. No, it's not. • She spoke in a very low voice, but I could understand what she said. Überlegt einfach - dürfen sie etwas tun oder können sie etwas tun?
'Can' = 'be able to', so your sentence is wrong. Can and to be able to are usually used in the same way without a difference in meaning, but not always… ‘Can’ is a modal auxiliary verb that expresses general ability in the present tense; ‘could’ works the same way, but in the past tense. Nov 17 2012 02:15:32. hmmm + 0. Can or could and to be able to are all verbs.