The GT3 RSR was obtainable as a reward in Forza Horizon 3 as part of the Forzathon event Heavy Duty Steering held from August 18, 2017 to August 21, 2017. 996. With the 911 RSR’s predecessor we introduced a change to the concept 911.
The 2011 Porsche 911 GT3 RSR is a racing car that appears in the Porsche Expansion add-ons for Forza Motorsport 4 and Forza Motorsport 6. Dieses Reglement führt zurück auf das Konzept einer GT3 Klasse unterhalb der damaligen Gruppe GT1 und … three-Time 24 Hours of Daytona | Two-Time 12 Hours of Sebring Participant A Correct and Historically Signifcant Example of the Revered 3.0 RSR. Der Porsche 911 RSR und dessen Vorgänger GT3 RSR, GT3 RS und GT3 R sind GT-Rennwagen von Porsche, die im Motorsport für Langstreckenrennen eingesetzt werden. As this German warbird tears its way up the straight with a baritone, staccato bellow, you feel the It also appears as one of Forza Motorsport 7's Showcase rewards. 2019년 굿우드 페스티벌 오브 스피드에서 911 rsr (2019)가 공개되었다. Illustrious Six-Year International Competition Record. A rear-facing camera and a radar-based collision-avoidance system replace the rearview mirror. 엔진은 수냉식 6기통 복서 엔진이 리어 액슬 앞에 위치하며 [5] 배기량은 4.2l가 되어 이전 모델보다 0.2l 늘어났다. Since this revolution, we have been able to gather countless experiences on tens of thousands of kilometres of racing. For the first time, a 911 based race car used a flipped drivetrain. Sie sind aufgebaut nach der aktuell höchsten Klasse im weltweiten GT-Sport, der GTE-Klasse vom ACO. Use the filters to narrow down your selection based on price, year and mileage – to help find your dream Porsche 911 RSR. Porsche 911 RSR At Classic Driver, we offer a worldwide selection of Porsche 911 RSRs for sale. 992가 출시되었으나 아직까지는 991을 기반으로 제작된 차량이다. Dit model is geproduceerd door Minichamps in de schaal 1:43. Zeer mooi kavel, met daarin aangeboden een prachtig schaalmodel van de Porsche 911 GT3 RSR The Racer's Group #81 24h Le Mans 2004. De auto werd voorgesteld in 1999.
One of Only 45 Weissach Built Race Cars, Spectacularly Original and Ready for Endurance Competition “Definitely not for the faint at heart, the Porsche 993 Cup 3.8 RSR offers to the one who dares to rise to the challenge, the opportunity to live his ultimate automotive fantasy. 마력도 이전모델보다 5마력 상승한 515마력이다. Insights that we have applied to the development of the new 911 RSR. De Porsche 911 GT3 is een sportcoupé van de Duitse automobielconstructeur Porsche. Er is nog een sportievere Porsche gesitueerd boven de 911 GT3, namelijk de Porsche GT3 RS, "RS" staat voor "Renn Sport". Beautifully Restored, Race Proven, and Presented in Café Mexicano Livery. Het aangeboden model is 100% nieuw en In very un-911-like fashion, a rear bulkhead separates the RSR’s interior from the engine compartment.
Deze Porsche is uitgebracht in een gelimiteerde oplage van slechts 3.744 stuks wereldwijd. 1974 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.0 RSR – sold for $1,237,500 Formerly the Property of Héctor Rebaque.
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